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TIDES : Technology Innovation Design Enterprise Sustainability

TIDES is a transformative program for Year 7 and Year 8 students, centered around technology within STEM disciplines and fostering project-based learning. As students' progress to Year 9 and Year 10, TIDES becomes an elective option, where the curriculum pivots to delve deeper into robotics while maintaining a strong foundation in the philosophy of project-based learning. 

Tides is collaborative. 

Tides is making and creating.

Tides solves problems.

Tides is about attitude.


Let's discover more about what TIDES involves



In TIDES, the 'T' signifies Technology; your exploration of various technologies such as computers, coding, applications, and machinery to propel you towards your objectives. 


Innovation at TIDES; where we redefine the way things are done. Innovation is all about discovering fresh perspectives, whether it's devising novel systems, embracing innovative thinking, or leveraging technology and expertise in unprecedented ways. 


Design at TIDES; where creativity meets problem-solving with precision and adaptability. Design Mindsets serve as our guiding principles, fueling our creativity, sharpening our focus on problem-solving, and enhancing our agility. 


TIDES Enterprise; where value creation and innovation intersect to shape a dynamic landscape of entrepreneurship. More than just business, enterprise embodies the spirit of making a difference and taking calculated risks to create lasting impact. 


TIDES Sustainability; where we embrace the timeless wisdom of meeting present needs without sacrificing the opportunities of future generations. Sustainability is not just a concept; it's a commitment to ensuring a better tomorrow for all.