At Peter Carnley Anglican Community School, we offer a range of Vocational Education and Training (VET) opportunities, providing students with the skills and experience needed for successful careers.
Our strong partnership with the Kwinana Industries Council (KIC) offers students the chance to engage in real world industry projects. KIC projects are endorsed by the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) and successful completion of KIC iProject attendance, along with attendance at the Annual KIC iConference can earn students a unit (C Grade) towards their WACE.
This year, several Year 10 students participated in KIC iProject’s:
iScience – Shaanmeet and Ranjaya
iWomen – Samreet, Sophie, Alicia
iMen – Nikolas
The following Year 11 students are also undertaking a KIC pre-apprenticeship (after completing a KIC iProject last year); Riley, Jack and Maya. Riley was invited to present at this years iMen Project to speak about his experience in his pre-apprenticeship.
Our Year 12 Internal VET students have successfully completed qualifications in Workplace Skills, Business, Health, Outdoor Recreation and Music, all of which are valuable stepping stones for further study or career opportunities.
Additionally, our external VET students attend TAFE 1-2 days per week, earning qualifications in fields like Aviation, Plumbing, Engineering, Hospitality and Animal Care. These highly competitive courses provide practical skills and industry knowledge, preparing students for apprenticeships or further study.
Our current Year 10 students have just submitted their applications for external VET courses in 2025 and we are awaiting confirmation on those who have been successful. Our external VET course offerings are continuing to grow and develop in schools as students realise the numerous options and pathways they have to future study and career goals.