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All large organisations, if they are to be successful in meeting their goals, need to have a strong focus on ways to constantly improve. 

Part of the impetus for an improvement agenda in a School comes from constant change such as new pastoral challenges for each generation of children, or new research into best pedagogical practice. However, the most important driver of School improvement is an organisational culture that believes we must always strive to provide the very best learning experiences for all our students.

Part of the role of the Deputy Principal at PCACS is to link the Strategic Plan of the School to a constant improvement agenda that is reflected in annual School Improvement Plans. These are then implemented by the various staff teams and are reported on each Term. A core aspect of being a professional educator is reflecting on practice and constantly striving to improve.

In 2025, the improvement agenda at PCACS will target the following areas:

Anglican Identity: Putting Christian values into practice through service learning is fundamental to the School’s vision. We have a goal of expanding service-learning opportunities throughout the Junior and Senior School. In 2025, we have also introduced weekly Chapel services for all students, and student teams will lead engaging services encouraging students to pursue a meaningful faith journey during their lives.

Purposeful Learning: Teachers are developing their skillsets in instructional coaching combined with focused intervention programmes in literacy in both the Junior and Senior School. The effective use of technology including artificial intelligence is also a priority in 2025.

Flourishing students and staff: In the Senior School we have implemented a new staff pastoral leadership position (Director of Student Services) with a focus on enhancing the positive student culture in the School. In the Junior School the success of the Learner Strengths will be expanded as part of a wider introduction of positive education strategies. The experience of transitions (from Calista to Wellard and from Junior to Senior School) will also be reviewed to ensure we are catering to the social and emotional needs of the students.

Connected Community: There will be a renewed focus on ensuring we are harnessing opportunities for partnerships with the City of Kwinana, The Kwinana Industries Council, local businesses, therapy services, AngliSchools, and the Kwinana Parish to improve the quality of student outcomes at PCACS.

School improvement is vital for enhancing student outcomes, supporting teacher effectiveness, creating a positive School culture, and adapting to changing needs. By prioritising continuous improvement, Peter Carnley Anglican Community School can fulfil its mission of challenging and inspiring a community of purposeful learners who are engaged, caring, connected and aspirational.

Mr Steve Wynhorst