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The best kind of learning is learning by doing- John Holt

On Friday 14 February the Junior School students engaged in the annual Learner Strengths Day, tackling STEM challenges to demonstrate the attributes of a learner that we value at Peter Carnley. The Learner Strengths are an important part of the Junior School Philosophy and underpin all of the work that we do in the Junior School. 

Students develop capabilities in Strength of Heart, Strength of Growth, Strength of Mind, Strength of Collaboration and Strength of Self. It is important that the skills and attributes encompassed in the Learner Strengths are visible and relatable to students so that they are a part of monitoring and assessing how they are progressing in each area. The Learner Strengths are celebrated at our Junior School assemblies, with our Learner Strength song and are displayed throughout the School in every classroom.  

The 2025 Challenges were:

Year Group Challenge Curriculum Links
That's Not a Box!
Technology - Design Process, English - Reading
Pre Primary
Easter Egg Drop
Physical Science - Forces, English - Writing
Year 1
Ramp Champ
Physical Science - Forces, Mathematics - Measurement
Year 2
Spaceship Creation
Physical Science - Push and Pull, English - Writing
Year 3
Animal Habitat Creation
Science - Biological Science, Technology - Materials
Year 4
Toy Creation
Physical Science - Forces, Technology - Materials
Year 5
Black Cockatoo Conservation Challenge
Technology - Materials, HASS - Global Sustainability Goals
Year 6
Water Filters
Science - Biological Science, HASS - Global Sustainability Goals


The classrooms came alive with energy and enthusiasm! The students were also challenged to be sustainable and use only materials that were recycled from home. Students worked in teams to complete and test their solutions, some with more success than others. There was much excitement as the Pre Primary students cheered each other on in their egg drops, the Kindy classes showed off their big yellow digger and rainbow race car, the Year 6 students got desks and hands dirty working out how to filter water and the Year 5 students emulated nature to create nesting boxes for black cockatoos. Other highlights included discussions of incline and friction in Year 1, spaceship designs in Year 2 and necessary features of natural environments in Year 3.

A report session was held at the end of the day for students to reflect on their process and their learning. It was pleasing to see so many students stretching their thinking, challenging themselves and engaging in problem solving tasks. Some of the solutions that the students created are on display in the Calista foyer. 

Thank you to all of our Junior School teachers for their work in putting the challenges together and guiding their classes through a valuable learning process.

Ms Kierin Janes