The Junior School provides rich and age appropriate engagement, exploration, wonder and learning for your child.
We seek to develop excellence, respect, belonging and spirituality for all members of our community. Sequenced activities addressing personal and interpersonal skills, knowledge, inquiry and community action spiral through every classroom programme, allowing students the opportunity to stretch their learning at any age.
The Junior School Learning Journey
Purposeful Learning
The key goal of our passionate teachers is to know each student and stretch their learning. We value the process of experiential teaching and learning experiences to provide purposeful learning. Our curriculum is delivered through Explicit Direct Instruction for English and Mathematics and the Inquiry Process for History, Social Sciences and Science. Generous time is also provided for your child to experience the Arts, Digital Technologies, Physical Education, Languages and Religious and Values Education.

We use the Principles of Positive Education to guide the wellbeing practices within the school. The work we do in the Junior School is underpinned by the PCACS Learner Strengths. Students are encouraged to embrace Strength of Heart, Strength of Mind, Strength of Self, Strength of Growth and Strength of Collaboration in everything they do. Social Emotional Programmes are taught from Kindergarten to Year 6 to assist students in developing emotional regulation and social skills.
Parents are a vital component in successful learning and teachers welcome an atmosphere of open communication with families through meetings, phone calls, emails, and diary comments.
Connect, Communicate and Contribute
We aim to develop students who can connect with others, communicate effectively, and contribute to their wider community. Students participate in a range of Service Learning opportunities throughout the year raising money and resources for community charities beyond our gates. In addition, a vibrant and popular Co Curricular Programme is offered after school throughout the year allowing the students to sample different activities from Lego Club to Dance Troupe. All children from Pre Primary to Year 6 are encouraged to join in to develop a range of interests.