The Early Learning Campus at Calista provides a unique opportunity for the Pre Kindergarten to Year 1 students to engage in purposeful learning in a custom built environment.
Play is an important component of learning for the young mind. At PCACS, Early Learning students are seen as thinkers who reflect deeply on their world. They are sensory learners and natural scientists, exploring the world around them with curiosity.
Our Early Learning students are engaged in intentional play experiences aiming to develop subject specific knowledge, oral language and social skills.
Early Learning
Purposeful Learning
Students work with highly motivated and engaged staff to explore a range of inquiries and topics based on a combination of student interest and curriculum. Student agency and authentic play spaces are valued highly by all members of our community. Our assemblies and chapel services are student led, providing leadership opportunities from a young age, and are well attended by our diverse community.

Wellbeing in Early Learning is developed through fostering a strong sense of belonging to the School. The foundation of open communication between staff and families is prioritised and parents are welcomed as partners in their child’s learning. Proactive Social Emotional Programmes are underpinned by Positive Education philosophy and taught explicitly so students develop language and strategies to assist with emotional regulation.

Connect, Communicate and Contribute
Growth mindset and independence are key skills taught in Early Learning classrooms. Staff give ample opportunity for students to try things for themselves and encourage them to persevere when they meet challenges and obstacles. Decision making and agency is promoted so that students learn that their actions can influence events and they can make an impact on their world. Mistakes are valued as opportunities for learning and students are encouraged to adopt a growth mindset when experiencing setbacks.